Eric Frederick Robert Allaway where are you ?


Looking for Eric Frederick Robert Allaway, born on March 15, 1938 in Maidenhead Berkshire.
His birth certificate states he was adopted.

So was his brother, michael

I am  Michaels  son, I was also adopted. But when I was older I found my father, michael!

Then I found out about Eric and now I am trying to get them to meet for the first time.

Please help us find Eric before it's to late.

Because Michael has now been diagnosed with progressive cancer and has not

got very long to live

News update

michael john allaways father is eric w russell this is now confirmed via a dna test on

we are now looking for his half  sister jacqueline m Russell 

born 1957
Bristol Avon

  Michael john allaway has been told that he will be lucky to see the year out please help us find eric and unite them


Their mother was Winifred Maud Allaway born on 18 May 1917 in Arborfield Berkshire. She was also from the Finchampsted area.

Yes Eric you have an older brother called Michael, who lives in New Zealand, and we are looking for you. If you have any information regarding Eric, please don't hesitate to get in touch or any of Eric's family as you have a warm welcome awaiting you!

Major update

We have contacted family members but they refuse to give us any help. they have  information that would help my dad and his Brother be brought together.

We have now found out that winifred maud allaway passed away in 2007, she married francis trainer any info on this please email me.

Michael john allaway  also known as  roland michael john white, or john white his nick name was nedda. this is for his many children out there we have yet to meet lol :) email me in total confidence to one of the many adopted ones  and hi to my older sister stella jane whom I have not seen for 22 years  only knew her for a few weeks.. :(

These are the birth certificates for michael and eric and winifred (click on each to see bigger pictures)

It states their mother was winifred maud allaway.
Yet members of the allaway family are refusing to give any information to my father about his brother or mother saying there is a family scandal,

I believe my father Michael john allaway  has the right to know what is going on and be able to find his brother, we have now done dna tests so any members of the allaway family can see we are true descendants of the family .

My dad Michael john has not got long to live I want to reunite Michael and eric before he dies... If you can help please email me in total confidence many thanks in advance 


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